Premium Costiera Extra Virgin Olive Oil made purely from a single variety of olive called "Peranzana" (Monocultivar). These olives have been squeezed in our Oil Mill in Montesarchio (BN, Campania Region), Italy. 100% Product of Italy. First Cold Pressed. Gluten Free Food. This ceramic bottle has been hand made by our crafters on the Amalfi Coast of Italy. All of our EVOO is Gluten Free.
Amalfi, coastal warrior queen
Italy's oldest maritime republic and symbol of the Amalfi Coast, Amalfi continues to enchant visitors just as it did in the days of the Grand Tour.
Just over three-square kilometers of devastatingly beautiful scenery at the mouth of the Valle dei Mulini: this is Amalfi, a town that opens like a fan towards the sea, sheltered from behind by the steep slopes of the Monti Lattari. Amalfi's ancient Roman origins are evident from a number of ruins, including those of a nymphaeum dating back to the reign of Emperor Tiberius.
Amalfi is the oldest of Italy's four major Maritime Republics and prospered for a full three centuries under the Normans, Longobards, and even the Saracens.
Today, traveling to Amalfi over land or sea is still an unforgettable experience. Quintessentially Mediterranean, Amalfi's townscape is comprised of a cluster of little white houses interspersed with narrow alleyways and shady porticoes. It's guarded by watchtowers such as the Torre Saracena, close to the Convent of San Francesco. The town's main landmark is the Duomo, or cathedral. Begun in the 9th century and altered over time with Arab-Norman, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque elements, the church is preceded by an impressive flight of 62 steps and towers over Amalfi's main piazza. The multi-colored facade was completely rebuilt in the 19th century after the original collapsed. Work on the majolica-faced bell tower was completed in 1276. The interior is a magnificent display of Italian baroque art and silver masonry. A bronze statue of Sant Andrea dominates the altar and protects the reliquary urn associated with the miraculous appearance of the manna, which the people of Amalfi commemorate each November 27th. From inside the cathedral, visitors gain access to the first Duomo of Amalfi, now called the Basilica del Crocifisso, and to the splendid Moorish-style Cloister of Paradise (Chiostro del Paradiso). The cloister was built in the 13th century as a cemetery where the town's most illustrious citizens were laid to rest. Beyond the Piazza del Duomo, at the center of which the 18th-century Fontana del Popolo takes pride of place, visitors reach what remains of the ancient arsenals where the marine republic's warships were once constructed.
Just a few steps away there is the pretty little Piazzetta dei Dogi, lined with traditional shops.In the vicinity of what was once called the Vallenula—the old western gateway to the city—is the 10th-century Church of San Biagio, which is famous for its exquisite late 18th-century majolica floor. Enjoy!

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